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Environmental Engineering Graduation Ceremony is a both welcoming and farewell party for all Diponegoro University Environmental Engineering graduates. With the theme of “Outer Space”, the event is held on Thursday, 25th January 2018.

There were 30 graduates with four cum laude graduates, Tri Diah Lutfiyani with the highest GPA, Elin Marlina, Lelyana Octavia, and Anisa Mukti Abadi.

The Graduation Ceremony started with a welcoming ceremony for the graduates by Enviromania, a supporter group from Environment Engineering Department, followed by opening speech from the organizing committee president, Isaaf Fadhilah, and the Head of Environmental Engineering Student Association, Surya Prayoga. Both expressed their congratulations and their hope that the graduates would have success and happiness throughout their life. There was also a speech from the Head of Environmental Engineering Department, Dr. Badrus Zaman, S.T., M.T. saying his hope that the graduates could explore the world like the theme expressed.

This event did not only celebrate the success of the graduates, but only congratulate Prof. Dr. Ir. Syafrudin, CES, MT, one of the senior lecturers in Environmental Engineering Department, that had just finished his professor’s degree. 

The next session was a symbolic event, cutting the "tumpeng" by a representative of the graduates, Eko Cristy Pakpahan, which were given to three of the organizing committees. Prof. Dr. Ir Syafrudin, CES, MT. hoped that the other students would graduate in four year’s time like the graduates had. The event was closed with the release of doves by the graduates.

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