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Dr.Ing. Sudarno, M.Sc.


 NIP   : 197401311999031003


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Since becoming a lecturer in 1999, Sudarno has conducted research studies in the field of water and wastewater treatment. After completing his doctoral program, his researches were focused Environmental pollution prevention and waste water management. He develops his research laboratory scale to a larger scale (scaling-up). In provessional practice, he also has field experience  in the field of solid waste management and water and waste water treatment design. He involved on prepare a master plan of sanitation and drainage system in several cities.

Her specific area is biologically nitrogen removal, so he conducted research for finishing Master degree on BioDeNOx (Biologically Denitrification of NOx), which is a technology to remove NOx from Flue gas. The first stage, NOx is absorbed into water containing EDTA so the NOx gas pollution can be avoided, and then NOx in water is biologically reduced into N2 gas. The nitrogen removal has been still interesting topic for her, so he conducted research in those topics during Doctoral programs. Conventionally nitrogen removal from wastewater is completed by nitrification, that is, the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite and the further oxidation of nitrite to nitrate. Then, the nitrate generated is denitrified via nitrite to N2 in anaerobic conditions using an organic as carbon source. The addition of external organic and oxygen produces an increase of treatment costs. He explored the method or technology that can remove N via partial nitrification of ammonia to nitrite, and then denitrification of nitrite to N2 gas. So, the cost for removing N from wastewater can be reduced. 

The pollution source in surface water is not only point source but also non point source. The first one could be prevented by applying Waste Water Treatment Plant - WWTP in the industry, but the second one could be avoided by applied a wastewater management. Watershed management for controlling water quality in several rivers in Central Java is interesting topic for him in the last two year.

More than ten published international journal with relatively high Impact are evidence of her ability on conducting those researches and publishing their results. Those publications were conducted as he taken Master Degree in Wageningen University supported by STUNED (Study Nederland) scholarship and also Doctoral Degree in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology funded by DAAD scholarship. The results of research, which was not published in international journal, were compiled on thesis report and also dissertation report. Recently, he with post-graduate students regularly publishes their research into national journal or national proceeding.




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