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Passion is the opportunity to start business

"Being Environmental Engineer doesn’t mean you only have to study environment around you. You can be anything you want, such as a businessman. You can start your business from now own. You can make your hobbies or your passion to have a pay check on your own."


The CEO of Banana Shoes Care, Muhammad Naufal Ariq Tuasyikal, who also is a student in Environmental Engineer batch 2016, has given a few insights on how to have a business when you are also a student. The first step is you only have to start to your passion and hobbies because it can be your opportunity to make your own money.


“Starting business won’t make you regret to start. You only need passion, learn which business what you want, find references, compare quality with quantity, and being cooperative with people around you.” Ariq said

Many companies need you to be their employee. Why need to be an employee if you can be a CEO from your own business. You can hire and help people around you. You can teach yourself to be independent and responsible person.


“All creative ideas and plans will only be a sweet dream if you never start.” Ariq said


If you want to be a CEO make sure you can learn from your studies too and make sure you graduate with all skills and experiences you need to do awesome and incredible things in the world.

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